What Should I Do If My Business Was Vandalized?
If your business was vandalized, you’re probably eager to repair the damage so that it affects your business as little as possible. You’re not alone. Every business owner who deals with vandalism hopes to put it behind them quickly.
How to Prepare for a Hurricane
It’s essential to prepare for a hurricane, even if you don’t live in an area where they often strike. A hurricane can be on the horizon in the blink of an eye and easily cause widespread devastation. How prepared you are will determine how quickly you can recover from the aftermath of the hurricane. Today’s […]
How You Can Prevent Flooding in Your Basement
You can prevent flooding in your basement by implementing a handful of effective yet simple practices. One of the most disheartening things as a homeowner is discovering that your basement has flooded. Cleaning up and restoring water damage and mold can be incredibly challenging and dangerous, especially if it involves sewage. There are many reasons […]
Can Graffiti Cause Permanent Damage?
There are many effects of graffiti and vandalism, some of which may cause permanent damage to a wall if not handled immediately. Whether the graffiti on your home or business was a one-off, random attack or a thought-out malicious act of vandalism, you must deal with it swiftly; otherwise, you may be left with irreversible […]
How To Spot Wind Damage
Extreme storms can lead to severe wind damage throughout your property, which can deteriorate it and decrease its curb appeal. As summer approaches, frightening weather will begin making its appearance. While we can all take cover indoors, the outsides of our properties don’t have that same option. These severe storms can wreak havoc on the […]
5 Ways You Can Prepare Your Property for Spring Storms
Though winter has passed, it may not feel like it’s over; you can expect many spring storms throughout the next few months. Spring is known for its rapid and sudden changes in weather. One moment you may be experiencing a cloud-free blue sky, and the next minute, it’s a complete downpour. Rain showers, thunderstorms, severe […]
A Tree Fell on My House: What Should I Do?
With intense storms comes strong winds, heavy wind, lightning, and other extreme weather — each of which can cause a tree or branch to fall. Of course, we hope that no one has to deal with an unfortunate event like a tree falling on their house, but it’s important to know ahead of time what […]