Our trained professionals are ready and waiting to restore your home. We are available 24/7 and will be on location within 60 minutes of your call. Reach out to us today to restore your home and take the steps to repairing what was lost!
The Oquirrh mountain range provide for a beautiful backdrop to this beautiful city. With these mountains, the South Jordan Canal, and the Jordan River, South Jordan is a sight to see. The commercial, retail, and residential spaces provide a pleasing and cohesive aesthetic with the gorgeous mountainous backdrop of the city.
This quaint town is a perfect location for Restoremasters Water Damage & Fire Restoration. We are here for any and all of your repair needs after disaster strikes. Contact us to bring your residence back to its former glory after any damages. From water damages to fire damages and everything in between—Restoremasters Water Damage & Fire Restoration is there for you.
South Jordan is a thriving suburb located in south western part of Salt Lake Valley. Like much of Salt Lake Valley, South Jordan has grown significantly over the last few years. Restoremasters Water Damage & Fire Restoration is excited to be a part of such a thriving and great community like South Jordan.
We are working to help families and business get back into their homes and business as soon and safely as possible following a disaster. Contact us today to experience the RestoreMasters difference!
Restoremasters founders Mike and Michelle Shurtliff have been in the disaster cleanup and restoration business for over 20 years. During this time we’ve helped families and businesses all along the Wasatch Front with their emergency and non-emergency disaster needs.